Beauty Hacks & Decluttering!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hello ladies! This past weekend I was trying to pack for Hawaii and realized how many unnecessary stuff I have!!! Aaaaa, it was honestly an awaking and instead of throwing them away I will be putting them up on poshmark. If they don’t sell then they will definitely be going out for donations. 


B E A U T Y♥ H A C K S

Well, this brings me to my beauty top hacks. One, if you are on a budget and still are looking to purchase a purse or beauty “luxury” item… girl~ …. There are many sites where you can buy them with a huge discount. RELIABLE sites too!

So if you are Newbie, then this will be your lucky day! Hahaha.. I always like to be very forward in all of my post. So, with that being said... Links are down below!

Pre-Loved Items 

Here are my top favorite sites for shopping "luxury" items! Some of these items don't even look pre-loved, they are in perfect condition.... SRSLY 😇.

🧡Poshmark - but has to be 500 in-order for it to get Authenticated. 

Other Sites that are NOT Pre-Loved 

Usually you can find great deals, plus you can use Ebates/Rakuten to get additional coupons & promos.


Happy shopping, hope this is helpful! Below are some of my past purchases.

BrandNameForLife !


+ More! If you would like to see full review 🥰Please Click HERE!
